Saturday, October 11, 2008


Hmmmmmmmmm... How long has it been since I last updated my blog?? A loooong time!!! I have decided that I'm officially a "BAD BLOGGER!!"

step 1: Go to the bottom of my page.

step 2: Vote on if I'm a GOOD blogger or a BAD blogger.

step 3: Leave a comment under this post explaining what you chose and why.
I'm excited to see all of youre votes!!!


Kristin said...

You havn't blogged in a while which makes you a bad blogger but you are blogging again so that makes you a good blogger so you are somewhere in the middle. You do know I tagged you right?

*Madi*Zobrist*coolio*awesome*fun(ny)*amazingly ENERGETIC!!!* said...

Haha, i guess i am in the middle huh??

Staci Leach said...

Bad Blogger, Bad Blogger, But you are awfully cute so maybe I'll settle for a cute Blogger and that teeters on the good side! Keep up the bloggin babe!

Shannon said...

You are definitely a bad blogger, but thats ok because you have a busy life!! One day you'll be a good blogger again...